Sunday, January 6, 2008

Please Welcome Cathy

By permission of the author and with great joy I present:

                 Cradle Me, Baby

            By Catherine S. Rapicano ~ January 6, 2008

   As I rush into your open arms,

collapsing in relief,

hold me to your happy heart

let not this time be brief.

We'll move in perfect motion

rocking gently to the sway,

as I trust you as you trust me

I will not give us away.

Cradle me within your heart

as if a newborn soul -

softy, with a quiet kiss

complete me - I am whole.

Stay with me to watch the night,

don't give in to sleep -

out in darkened seas of sky,

we're stars within the deep.

Come the dawn and brighter beams

we'll rest, as shadows harden -

I commit this crime of love

and you will always pardon.



Anonymous said...

Powerful and passionate stuff Cathy. Says it all ED

Anonymous said...

I read this in her journal.  It's beautiful, isn't it?!  She is quite the poet!  Love, Val xox

Anonymous said...

beautiful! great work!

Anonymous said...

mrs. obama said america is "just downright mean."

Heli gunner Tom said...

Great stuff, Kathy! I always thought and believed that a poet had a high verbal aptitude and gift for words. I wrote a bit in my high school years- but was also a rhythm guitar player in a small rock band, and actually songs are made up of "poems" and notes. I would like to visit you sometime via email and pick your brain. I am a happily married Christian man, age 59 and disabled after 30.5 years at Chrysler in WI.
Have a great day.

Tom Schuckman
Disabled Vietnam Vet: 68-70

Heli gunner Tom said...

My NEW URL/ Blog address is:

Tom's Journal.

Please correct your Blog info.