Sunday, June 10, 2007

The Best Day Ever

       The Best Day Ever!                           

This is the day I've prayed for
The day I wanted to come
Lord, I said I want nothing more                     
Than to stand ~ to sit ~ to walk some
Lord, it's lonely in the bed in there
They stop in to say hi or wake me up
I can't see outside;  I have time to spare
Lord I love you ~ please fill my cup
Give me joy and a sense of peace
That comes from your word as I seek your face
I praise you Lord!  You have given me the feast
I made my food!  I sat in my place!    
I'm tired now Lord, but oh! what a day.
I bathed myself and fed our pets
I felt no loneliness, I read, I prayed


Sunday, May 13, 2007

Mother's Day


If it wasn't for my mother, I would not be here
She wouldn't have had a chance to calm her child's fears
Instead she gave birth to four wonderful little girls
Little by little the fabric of our lives unfurled.
She joined the world's mothers in happy pursuit
Of spoiling her kids and making them look cute
She dressed her girls in home-sewn clothes,  
Curling their hair in rags as on and on she goes
She never gave up on any of her kids
No matter what stupid things we did
She lived her life in service to the Lord
And to her girls whom she adored.
Ten years ago she went to be with her Father
Where with her loved ones she now could gather
I love you, Mom as much as ever
And your love for me will last forever.
Mom, I miss you terribly, but I know I will see you again in Paradise.


                               Thanks, Mom


Monday, February 19, 2007

Dee had a Birthday - I read it and missed it.


Dearest Dee, you son Phil loves you so
That he shared your birthday with all he knows
I promised a poem just for you
But the days went by and it wasn't through
Today I'd like to say I'm sorry to be late
And another day I would not/could not wait
I put your name on the tag above
To send to you lots of Birthday Love
I really don't know you, we've never met
I know your son through the Internet
I wrote him a poem on his special day
I think I should write one every day
So Dee, this is my wish for you . . .
Happy Birthday today and all the year through.
Many blessings to you,

Thursday, January 11, 2007

Searching for the Scent of You

I wrote this to Robert while he was here in the U.S. and I was finishing up the details of installing new directors to the ministry:
Everywhere I go I search for the scent of you
I lift a shirt, a hat, the jacket you wore last fall
Sadly  your scent's not there anymore and I shed a tear or two
We put our lives together in the Lord and began to share
Our thoughts, dreams, dislikes and our intense love
I never thought in a million years I would find that anywhere
Then came the terrible crisis which pulled us apart
Anger, rejection, lies and a lonliness we couldn't bear
Betrayed by those who seemed to love us, this broke our heart
Still shattered and caught up in the weight of it all
We prayed, fasted, asked our Father to intervene
On our knees and on the floor we prayed,  He answered the call
Our love is stronger now, tested by the fire
Burned up, cleansed, newly ready for our Lord
Who but God could lift us higher?
Praises to the King!  Praises to the Lamb!
Our life is stronger now
Because of the great I AM